Meeting Review
Upcoming Events
It's great to meet members at the meetings that haven't been in a while. At our meeting on June 6th, three members that don't normally come were there, and while I have remembered 1st names, I'm still really bad at the last names, so please bear with me.

We're in the process of changing our website. You can add yourself to the chapter mailing list by visiting the website and selecting the icon to subscribe to the newsletter.

If you missed the meeting, you can read the minutes on the website. As a matter of fact, you can read many sets of minutes from past meetings at the website.

Are you active on Facebook or know someone who is? Our chapter like many TU chapters across the nation has a facebook page, and we need someone (perhaps you, or one of your kids) to run it. Please click here to volunteer for this position.

N/P Chapter Picnic
Fishing Outing
Saturday, June 17th
The Naugatuck/Pomparaug Chapter of TU has invited us to fish with them at Housatonic Meadows State Park, at the corner of Hwy 4 and US-7 in Cornwall Bridge. The fishing will take place between 7:30AM and 2:00 PM, with lunch at around 11:30-Noon.
The Housatonic has been high, but should be wade-able by the 17th. A 4wt -5wt-6wt line with a long 9ft-12ft tippet can be used for any type of fly.
Lunch for NWCT TU members will be provided by the chapter.

We'll be holding our annual joint picnic with FVTU on Saturday, September 9th, 2017. We'll be releasing details on this event in upcoming newsletters.In the past this has been our most popular event, held the week after the holiday weekend, and has included classes and contests. This year should be no different. Keep tuned to this part of the newsletter for updates on the events.

In the near future, we hope to open a fly-fishing book lending library to chapter members. This idea was brought up at our last meeting - details are not yet ironed out.

Our Annual River Cleanup on the Naugatuck is scheduled for September 16th. We will be cooking for all the other organizations taking part in the cleanup.

Mianus Chapter
Streamside BBQ
George Daniel Class
Saturday, June 17th

The Mianus & Candlewood Chapters of TU will be holding a Streamside BBQ on the Farmington River at the Whittemore Grove area off East River Rd. Author and expert angler George Daniel will lead a free live demonstration of fishing tactics, as well as hold classes on Dynamic Nymphing and Streamer Fishing. Classes are $75.00, and the BBQ is $10. For details on BBQ and class registration click here.
This event will be held on June 17th, between 10:00AM and 3:00PM.

As you know we participate in TU's "Trout in the Classroom (TIC)" program. We currently have nine programs in area middle and high schools. Last month, we taught fly casting to mostly seniors and juniors of the Agricultural program at one of the TIC schools. We only received good feedback from the school and are planning two such programs for next year. Volunteers will be needed for this new program. If you'd like to volunteer to teach in this program, click here.

At our last meeting a motion was brought to the floor that to attract members to our chapter and to TU membership, we might want to have business cards made up for our members to give out, when we meet other fishermen on our rivers and streams. Let us know what you think? Would you give out TU business cards when you meet other fishermen?
Call for Volunteers

The mission of Casting for Recovery® (CfR) is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through a unique retreat program that combines breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly fishing. The program offers opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life and experience healing connections with other women and nature. CfR serves breast cancer survivors of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery, at no cost to participants. The Connecticut program is looking for volunteers to assist participants. Become a "River Helper" today by clicking here. The next scheduled retreat will be held on June 25th.

Our next monthly meeting will be held on September 5th, at 7:30, at the Torrington Elks Lodge. We'll have a fly swap, an equipment demo, and an instructional video will be shown at the close of the meeting. Refreshments and coffee/tea will be available at no cost. Bring a friend to a meeting - remember, new members can join at half-price ($17.50) saving $17.50 in the process.

Have you a river cleanup or some other conservation project in mind that you'd like to see our chapter involved in? If so, you can submit your idea to the chapter.

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